Well Сompletions

Standard liner/screen pipes with connections

Round holes can be closed with sealing plugs for flushing the well
High filtering capacity
Use of high-quality corrosion-resistant materials
Features & Benefits
Round holes can be closed with sealing plugs for flushing the well.
High filtering capacity
Use of high-quality corrosion-resistant materials
Nominal diameter mm/in 2,35…9,65
Toughness class D, К, Е, L, М, R, Т
Filter length, mm/in 157,5…472,5
Connecting thread type CPTC, CPTT, Battress, PCP, etc
Filter length, mm/in 118…394
Diameter of round holes, mm/in 0,3…0,8
Number of holes per 3 ft, pcs 1…150
Nominal diameter mm/in 60…245
Toughness class D, К, Е, L, М, R, Т
Filter length, mm/in 4000…12000
Connecting thread type CPTC, CPTT, Battress, PCP, etc
Filter length, mm/in 3000…10000
Diameter of round holes, mm/in 8…20
Number of holes per 3 ft, pcs 1…150