Oscillator SDT-VS

Reduced friction between the BHA and the borehole walls
Improved weight on bit delivery results in higher ROP and extended bit life
Better tool face control while sliding
Stick-slip reduction
Very helpful technology for fishing operations
Reduced lateral and torsional BHA vibration
Compatible with all MWD systems
Improved ERD capabilities
General Description
The SDT-VS oscillator reduces friction and improves weight transfer by gently oscillating the drill string.

SDT-VS oscillator is installed in the drill string assembly and is designed to reduce the BHA friction against the borehole walls.

Since the oscillations are low magnitude and only affect the longitudinal axis of your drill string, SDT-VS does not cause the harmful lateral vibrations that can damage downhole tools.

The Oscillator system is compatible with all MWD systems.

Total pressure drop of 300-400 psi on the Oscillator Tools allows to maintain higher flow rates on rigs, with limited pump pressure capacity.

Features & Benefits
Reduced friction between the BHA and the borehole walls
Improved weight on bit delivery results in higher ROP and extended bit life
Better tool face control while sliding
Stick-slip reduction
Very helpful technology for fishing operations
Reduced lateral and torsional BHA vibration
Compatible with all MWD systems
Improved ERD capabilities
lmperial Data Figures VS415 VS475-17 VS475-21 VS675LF VS675HF
Basic Parametres and Dimensions
Housing OD max (A) (in) 4,17 4,88 4,88 7,00 7,00
Total length (B) (in) 300 288 288 307 307
Distance between thrust ends (in) 297 284 284 303 303
Weight(lb) 705 1 021 1 021 2 205 2 205
Connection thread:
– top NC31 NC38 NC38 NC50 NC50
– bottom Nc316 NC38 NC38 NC50 NC50
Make-up torque (ft-lbs) 600 – 7375 9600 – 11060 9600 – 11060 18400 – 19900 18400 – 19900
Purpose indicators
Flow rate (gpm) 95 – 190 158 – 270 158 – 333 440 – 600 600 – 900
Operating fluid parameters:
– drilling mud or water density, max ( lb/ft3) 124,9 124,9 124,9 124,9 124,9
– sand content, no more than (%) 2 2 2 2 2
– the size of the pumped LCM,
no more than (in)
0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Max. working temperature (°F) 230 230 230 230 230
Pressure drop (psi) 435 435 435 435 435
Oscillation frequency at a flow rate of 143 gpm (9 l/s) (Hz) 14 – 15 18 – 19 16 – 17 16 – 17 13 – 19
Oscillation amplitude (in) 0.04-0.16 0.04 – 0.12 0.04 – 0.12 0.04 – 0.16 0.04 – 0.16
Operating axial load (lbs) 22 500 56 200 56 200 56 200 56 200
Strength specifications
Maximum tensile load (lbs) 281 000 341 700 341 700 719 400 719 400
Maximum compression load (lbs) 56 202 89 900 89 900 101 160 101 160
Maximum torque (ft-lbs) 8 850 17 000 17 000 36 140 36 140
Metric Data Figures VS415 VS475-17 VS475-21 VS675LF VS675HF
Basic Parametres and Dimensions
Housing OD max (A) (mm) 106 124 124 178 178
Total length (B) (mm) 7 634 7 310 7 310 7 800 7 800
Distance between thrust ends (mm) 7 545 7 208 7 208 7 686 7686
Weight (kg) 320 463 463 1 000 1000
Connection thread:
– top NC31 NC38 NC38 NC50 NC50
– bottom NC31 NC38 NC38 NC50 NC50
Make-up torque (kN-m) 9 – 10 13 – 15 13 – 15 25 – 27 25 – 27
Purpose indecators:
Flow rate (l/s) 6 — 12 10 — 17 10 — 21 28 — 38 38 — 57
Operating fluid parameters:
– drilling mud or water density, max ( kg/m3) 2×103 2×103 2×103 2×103 2×103
– sand content, no more than (%) 2 2 2 2 2
– the size of the pumped LCM, 9 9 9 9 9
no more than (mm) 110 110 110 110 110
Max. working temperature (°C) 3 3 3 3 3
Pressure drop (Mpa) 14 – 15 18 – 19 16 – 17 16 – 17 13 – 19
Oscillation frequency at a flow rate of 143 gpm (9 l/s) (Hz) 1-4 1 – 3 1 – 3 1 – 4 1 – 4
Oscillation amplitude (mm) 100 250 250 250 250
Operating axial load (kg)
Strength specifications
Maximum tensile load (kN) 1 250 1 520 1 520 3 200 3 200
Maximum compression load (kN) 250 400 400 450 450
Maximum torque (kN m) 12 23 23 49 49