Multi-cycle circulatings subs SDT-CS

Significantly increases economical efficiency by reducing time per operation
Restore circulation, bottom hole chemical treatments are possible without BHA additional tripping
Up to 10 activations at one BHA trip (4/5 activations is standard)
In case of circulation stop, the sub blocks the ports automatically to prevent cross flow of mud between annular space and the drill string
Simple visual control of pressure drop
No limitations for LCM type of materials to deal with loss of circulation
Operation over a wide range of specific weight of fluids and wells TVD by adjusting the deactivating pressure (2100psi, 3000psi, 4500psi)
The «dump sub» function can be activated after pulling out of hole
The spline drive and latch mechanism are enclosed in a single, sealed oil chamber without ports to the annulus. Such ports on other jars may fill with cuttings and restrict the down jar stroke.
Sub can operate in the harshest environments including CO2 and H2S
General Description
The Circulating subs is used for diverting the mud flow inside the drill string to the annulus whenever required and combat common drilling problems, such as lost circulation and limited circulation rates.

The sub operation mode is adjusted from the surface by balls dropping without need for tripping.

The sub has several configurations, which differ by number of operation cycles and activation/deactivation pressures without need of pulling out of hole. There is no need for presence of specific operational engineer at the rig.

It is always recommended to include the circulation sub into BHA in following cases:
Acid, chemical and bridging agents (LCM) treatments, which can be harmful for below located BHA components;
Reaming during loss of circulation, full loss of circulation; wellbore cleanout required for acceleration of the flow in annular space by increase of mud flow.
Filling and emptying the inner tube space of the drill pipe during pulling and running operations (bypass valve function);
Cut-off of the underlying assembly from the ingress of the scale and hardener drilling mud during extension of the drill string
The sub has several configurations, which differ by number of operation cycles and activation/deactivation pressures without need of pulling out of hole. There is no need for presence of specific operational engineer at the rig.
Features & Benefits
Significantly increases economical efficiency by reducing time per operation
Restore circulation, bottom hole chemical treatments are possible without BHA additional tripping
Up to 10 activations at one BHA trip (4/5 activations is standard)
In case of circulation stop, the sub blocks the ports automatically to prevent cross flow of mud between annular space and the drill string
Simple visual control of pressure drop
No limitations for LCM type of materials to deal with loss of circulation
Operation over a wide range of specific weight of fluids and wells TVD by adjusting the deactivating pressure (2100psi, 3000psi, 4500psi)
The «dump sub» function can be activated after pulling out of hole
The spline drive and latch mechanism are enclosed in a single, sealed oil chamber without ports to the annulus. Such ports on other jars may fill with cuttings and restrict the down jar stroke.
Sub can operate in the harshest environments including CO2 and H2S
mperial data figures SDT-CS475 SDT-CS675 SDT-CS825 SDT-CS950
Casing Size (in) 4 ¾ 6 ¾ 8 ¼ 9 ½
Maximum tool OD (A) (in) 4,72 6,77 8,27 9,45
D (with no balls in basket) (B) (in) 1,2 1,26 1,65 1,65
Length (С) (in) 84,25 105,3 115,9 119,9
Fishing neck ID (in) 4,72 6,77 8,27 9,45
Weight (lb) 276 772 1 124 1 477
Number of ports 2 2 2 2
Port size (in) 1,12 1,12 1,36 1,36
Number of activation balls 1 1 1 1
Number of deactivation balls 2 2 2 2
Activation ball OD (in) 1,5 2 2,25 2,25
Blocking ball OD (in) 1,13 1,13 1,38 1,38
Deactivation ball OD (in) 1,31 1,37 1,75 1,75
Tool connections (Box&Pin) NC 38 NC 50 6 5/8 Reg 7 5/8 Reg
Tool mid connection NC 38 NC 50 6 5/8 Reg 7 5/8 Reg
Maximum flow rate (gpm) 396 713 1 014 1 014
Pressure drop with direct circulation
(with empty basket) (psi)
60,9 145 72,5 72,5
Pressure drop (circulation through side ports) (psi) 53,7 217,6 174 174
Make-Up torque (Box&Pin connections) 8 482 – 10 695 29 500 – 33 900 56 800 – 64 200 73 750 – 92 900
Make-Up torque (mid tool connection) 8 482 – 10 695 29 500 – 33 900 56 800 – 64 200 73 750 – 92 900
Number of cycles (std./ext.) 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/10
Activation pressure (psi) 58 116 72,5 72,5
Deactivation pressure (psi) 2 103 2 103 2 103 2 103
Blocking ball push-through pressure (psi) 1 088 1 088 1 088 1 088
TFA (non activated tool) (in.sq.) 1,7 2,97 3,78 3,78
Flow area when tool is activated (in.sq.) 1,98 1,98 2,9 2,9
Maximum tensile load (lbs) 562 000 1 344 000 2 136 000 2 810 000
Tensile strength main body (lbs) 1 036 171 3 234 178 3 822 811 6 071 523
Torsional strength main body (lbs) 59 000 199 141 346 653 575 297
Metric data figures SDT-CS475 SDT-CS675 SDT-CS825 SDT-CS950
Casing Size (mm) 120 172 210 240
Maximum tool OD (A) (mm) 120 172 210 240
ID (with no balls in basket) (B) (mm) 30,5 32 42 42
Length (С) (mm) 2140 2675 2 945 3045
Fishing neck ID (mm) 120 172 210 240
Weight (kg) 125 350 510 670
Number of ports 2 2 2 2
Port size (mm) 28,5 28,5 34,5 34,5
Number of activation balls 1 1 1 1
Number of deactivation balls 2 2 2 2
Activation ball OD (mm) 38,2 50,9 57,1 57,1
Blocking ball OD (mm) 28,7 28,7 35 35
Deactivation ball OD (mm) 33,34 34,9 44,5 44,5
Tool connections (Box&Pin) NC 38 NC 50 6 5/8 Reg 7 5/8 Reg
Tool mid connection NC 38 NC 50 6 5/8 Reg 7 5/8 Reg
Maximum flow rate (l/s) 25 45 64 64
Pressure drop with direct circulation (with empty basket) (MPA) 0,42 1,0 0,5 0,5
Pressure drop (circulation through side ports) (MPA) 0,37 1,5 1,2 1,2
Make-Up torque (Box&Pin connections) 11 500 – 14 500 40 000 – 46 000 77 000 – 87 000 100 000 – 126 000
Make-Up torque (mid tool connection) 11 500 – 14 500 40 000 – 46 000 77 000 – 87 000 100 000 – 126 000
Number of cycles (std./ext.) 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/10
Activation pressure (MPA) 0,4 0,8 0,5 0,5
Deactivation pressure (MPA) 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5
Blocking ball push-through pressure (MPA) 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5
TFA (non activated tool) (mm.sq.) 1 095 1 917 2 440 2 440
Flow area when tool is activated (mm.sq.) 1275 1275 1868 1868
Maximum tensile load (kN) 2 500 5 980 9 500 12 500
Tensile strength main body (kg) 470 000 1 470 000 1 734 000 2 754 000
Torsional strength main body (Nm) 80 000 270 000 470 000 780 000